QR Codes on my Edibles, and Flower. What it means?
When cannabis first become legal, and I saw a QR code on my cannabis product I had bought, I couldn't help but to be curious. Turns out all cannabis companies are required to provide lab results for any product they have for sale. One way of doing that, and making it convenient for everyone, is to put a QR code on the package. You just pull up the camera on your smart phone, point the camera at the QR code, and tap the link when it pops up. This may be tricky to some if you have never done it before. Just make sure you keep the camera aimed at the code until you are able to click the link that pops up. From there you will be sent to a link with official lab results. One thing to note is the cannabis industry has set a error margin of 10%. So results may be slightly off, but can give a deeper analysis into the cannabis product you are consuming. You can also look up the company if there is no code available, a lot of them have the lab results available on their website as well.